Archive Mode. Call 2022 DAKOTA PASTEL COMPETITION - FIRST QUARTER ended on 3/16/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Hidden from the road, this golden high meadow pond looked very inviting from a painting point of view. It was still chilly at 9000' on the first day of June 2021, but the pass was open and the landscape was untouched. Each year the land and rocks emerge from under 200 inches of snow to be a new creation. Trees have changed, reflections change, the sky is bluer and the silt beneath the clear water is brighter - it is all new.
My goal as an artist is not actually to paint what I see but to paint what is peaceful. I have the opportunity to share this moment; thirty minutes from now a soaring eagle will find dinner in the pond - nature is really not peaceful.